
How To Install Libre Office on Linux Mint, Ubuntu & Debian | Best Alternative of Microsoft Office


LibreOffice is a free and open-source office suite, a project of The Document Foundation. It was forked in 2010 from If you want to learn more you can check out my youtube channel.

At first download libre office from Choose linux deb for linux mint ubuntu or any other debian based system

Next open terminal in which folder you have downloaded libre office

And extract from tar file by using commands below (make sure file name is same a you downloaded)

$ tar -xzf LibreOffice_7.0.1_Linux_x86-64

Change directory to new libre office folder
$ cd LibreOffice_7.0.1_Linux_x86-64_deb/

Show all files and folder 
$ ls -lahF

Change directory to readmes folder
$ cd readmes

Once again show all files and folder 
$ ls -lahF

Read installation documents if you want to know more 
$ cat README_en-US

Go one directory backword
$ cd ..

Change directory to DEBS

$ cd DEBS/

Install libre office (it will ask you for password you just type your user password)
$ sudo dpkg -i *.deb

Thnak you!

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